Covid - 19 Reflective Practice

Something that cannot go amiss is the uncertainty of the pandemic that is occurring now. Covid-19, the impact that is has had has been unimaginable. There are so many questions to be asked around this as it could affect my inquiry. Something I have learnt from this to be versatile. Nothing should ever be set in stone and no question ever has a straight answer. I have also learnt to be lenient, there is nothing worse than something out of your control having such an influence on your preparation. However, using this to my advantage I asked the question, how can I incorporate Web 2.0 into my inquiry plan? I use Web 2.0 daily and in so many ways in my professional practice. Email is used to send information immediately to colleagues to communicate effectively. We are now using email to communicate with members of staff, students and parents as the students are distance learning. Part of my research into my inquiry is to interview two members of staff from my school. We are unable to be in close contact with anyone at the moment so if this is the case, how can I conduct interviews using Web 2.0? Reflecting on Module One I looked at different ways of communicating using Web 2.0 and Skype seemed the obvious choice. Staff are also familiar with using skype. Brown (2009) suggests as communications change, those wanting to communicate must transform their approach. The Social Web discovers the way in which communications are changing and looks at what this means for communicators. Being able to have access to the web has developed my inquiry a positive way and I will continue to use this to my advantage considering the current conditions.

On a personal level, the affects of the lockdown have really had a negative impact on how much TIME I have. To put a positive spin on it, I have learnt to not take time for granted as I now have a lot LESS time to now manage working from home, a 2 year old and planning my research inquiry. 
