Finding A Focus - Little Wonders

Finding A Focus

Finding a focus was surprisingly straight forward for me. I started off thinking I was never going to find something I want to plan my inquiry on. However, looking back on Module 1 I have a clear interest in one particular area of learning. I want to look further into how children with difficult up bringings, maybe a separated family, children that are 'looked after' maybe in foster care or children who have behavioural issues and how that effects them in a learning environment. How does it change the way we should approach or talk to them? What kind of language should we use?

I work in a school that is based in a deprived area and a high percentage of the children come from difficult backgrounds and are taken into care for example. I would like to learn as much as I can in 12 weeks how best to make an impact on they're learning and how I could potentially help them in the classroom.

I am struggling to choose a relevant 'title' at the moment as there are so many questions that could be asked. In terms of finding a focus I am agreed on that but actually zooming in on one part of that is proving difficult. I think as I start to write things down and map out my inquiry plan a smaller focus will come apparent. This is where 'little wonders' comes in.

So in conclusion I have found my focus but not quite my little wonder :)

Please feel free to comment on how you established your little wonder....


  1. I think i am in a similar place to you, I have a good idea of what area I want to explore, however I am unsure of what my 'small wonder' and focus will be. I have begun by just writing list of questions around the area to try to get everything out that I am thinking about, also reading on the area in general has helped to create some more questions on the topic. I talk about it my most recent blog post.

  2. That's a great idea, like a kind of mind map. I also need to start thinking about HOW I'm going to research once I set myself a target. Research about how to research!!


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