Doing Your Research Project.

I have started reading a book  called 'Doing Your Research Project.'

It is guide for first-time researchers in education and social science.

I have found it so inspiring and motivational. I have only read the section about the literacy review so far and it has helped me immensely in understanding how to present a literacy review. How much content to provide, and examples of different reviews (large and small)

If anyone is struggling with where to start with the research project I highly recommend this one. it written by Judith Bell Third Edition.

In one section about the literacy review, Nai states, having read so much, it took me a while to reconcile what I can present in a condensed review. It seems so unfair that only a fraction of the months of painstaking reading could appear in print. Putting sentiments aside I have decided to classify the factors affecting participation under some major headings for ease of consolidation.

(Nai 1996:33)

This tells me two things, I need to read so much more to gather as much information and different theorists views as possible. To also be prepared that some of the reading will feel like a waste but it all helps towards the end goal eventually.
