STUDY ACTIVITY: Rewriting my CV as a personal profile

I have never really thought about what my professional practice is or what I do or who I am. I suppose it is not something that you do on a day to day basis. However  I was made to think about it and I found it really hard to identify what my professional practise was. At first the decision was between a dancer or a teacher. I was battling with myself in my head i have always been and will always be a 'dancer' however as I have been moving along with my study I have been answering questions based on being a teacher, which is what I am. My professional practice is a dance teacher. There are so many more skills and knowledge you need as reading through module one handbook today a dance teacher in fact needs to know dancing but also teaching as well, this would identify as Transdisciplinary.

I am teaching dance in a secondary school in Hertfordshire, I am new to the school and new to secondary. This will be in fact a challenging year for me as well as studying, teaching in a new environment a new age and have also gained the responsibility of having a form group so the pastoral care of those students is down to me.

I am hoping these things all being new will go hand in hand and I will be learning constantly along the way. My tasks for this week are to start a journal and to look into starting a 'tiktok' account. 

The reason I have chosen this is because it is very relevant to the students I teach as it is all I hear them talking about. I also have never used anything like this before so I can really take note on HOW I am learning.

I will be blogging about my experiences on both of these next week.

Happy Sunday 
